Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Love Note of Remembrance for the Future

Right now we’re young and innocent without a worry in the world.

We live each passing day, bathing ourselves in the all that simply is,

Living in the moment—with no fear of what’s to come or regret for what was.

But will you remember me when we’ve grown old?

Will you remember the life we used to share together?

Will you cherish the way things used to be…

Before falling prey to the workings of time;

Before Life’s unpredictability led us down two separate, lonely paths?

Will you remember those nights spent lying beneath the twinkling of the stars,

Holding hands and gazing up wondrously at the heavens;

The way we used to dance together in the opalescent moonlight,

Two lovers amidst a symphony of silence and beating hearts,

And the glowing of a thousand fireflies in the dark.

Remember how we used to smile,

Remember how we used to laugh,

Remember how you used to fill my heart with happiness.

And if you are to only remember one thing, just remember how much youmeant to me;

Remember how I used to love you,

And remember that I always will.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Beauty of Destruction

An old building that once touched the sky, crumbles into nothing more than a pile of rubble and debris—a pale comparison of the great structure it used to be. And in a few years time, something bigger and better takes its place.

We often look at creation and life as something amazing; renewal and preservation as something marvelous. But yet, on the opposite side of the spectrum, there is something so awe worthy and amazing about destruction that it sparks a great sense of interest inside of us, or at least I know it does in me. We often look at the two—creation and destruction—in terms of good vs. bad, life vs death, light vs. shadow, etc… but does destruction really have to be the essence of negativity? Like all things, there is no beginning without an end, and nothing lasts forever except Time itself as we know it. Sometimes it takes the imminent destruction of one thing (or many) to cause the creation of something else much newer and better than it was before. As we recognize and respect destruction for what it is—a way of paving a path for the birth of something new—the line that separates opposite from opposite, creation from destruction becomes blurred. Soon before we know it, what was once viewed as something to be feared becomes a process of life and renewal in and of itself.

Without one, how could we possibly come to know the other?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Taking Wing to Heaven

If I could, I’d tie to me a thousand birds and fly,

Above the highest mountain tops, on past the clouds and sky;

I’d soar beyond the earth and stars, and land where angels play,

Just to hold you close once more—oh surely there’s a way.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Love Eternal

Someday I hope, when I grow old, I’ll find the one for me,

And we shall live our lives throughout in peace and harmony.

And when God comes and says it’s time for us to say adieu,

I’ll leave my earthly form behind but not my love for you.